I just need to share my heart with you today. About something that matters to me in such a big way. In short: Mothers matter. Every little thing a mom does matters. Each and every day.
Thank you mom!
I come from a background of working moms. I was born and raised in former East Germany. Hence, it was normal for children to be in daycare all day and women to be in the workplace all day. My mom chose a different path and I applaud her for doing so to this day! In the beginning she went with the regulations of the “system”. However, she pretty soon realised that it wasn’t working. For one, I was very sick very often. Furthermore, her mom, my grandmother, moved in with us at some point. That surely saved us a lot of trouble. I was able to enjoy the mornings at the local preschool and spend the afternoons at home. Looking back, I can only thank these two women in my life! Not that they knew that I was highly sensitive. Little did they know how much I needed solitude and a quiet place to draw new strength from. But they created exactly this environment and it helped me tremendously.
Every day is Mother’s Day!
I know that my mother didn’t chose the most convenient way of life. She believed in something and she fought for it. I can definitely see that character trait in me as well as in my children. No, she didn’t do it all “right”. What mom does? But she did her best, gave her best and does so to this day. And it’s not just once a year that all the moms in this world need to be praised. It’s a job description that easily fits in these three words #worldstoughestjob
Check out this quick video. I’ve watched it dozens of times and it still moves me to tears every single time:
It’s not about you, is it?
So, all day today I was thinking about moms. All these moms. Then my daughter asked me out of the blue if every child has a mommy that is actually there. I hesitated but I’m a friend of the truth so I explained in age appropriate words that not every child gets to be with its mommy for so many different reasons.
My daughter, who is six, came to me, hugged me and said: “Thank you, mom, that you’re here. Even though it’s not always easy and fun being a mom.” Her simple statement moved me to tears. And the reason why I thought of mothers all day was because I’m filled with so much gratitude. Just like my daughter is grateful for me. So I am grateful for each woman that sacrifices so much each day to be a mother.

So THANK YOU! I applaud you for every moment that you invest yourself into the next generation. Motherhood comes with so much letting go of your own ambitions and goals. And it costs you. But let me tell you – this hug, these loving eyes of my daughter – they are worth more than anything to me. I savour these precious moments and they’re etched on my heart.
End the war, please!
One last thought: I’m so tired of this battle between women, comparing who’s better or worse. At the office or at home. Breastfed or bottle. To me that’s not what matters first. Your YES to your child is what matters! The love you give is what matters. The values you teach them is what matters. So to all the moms out there: You’re awesome! You’re special! Keep going for your reward is eternal. I fully agree with Michelle Obama on this one:
Michelle Obama
“So for me, being Mom-in-Chief is, and always will be, job number one.“