There has never been a time in my life where I needed the guidance of God more than in these weird days. How about you? Have you been totally relaxed and completely chilled out in the last two years? Well – congrats! And please drop your recipe for that in the comments. For my other precious readers who at one day or the other have felt stressed out, puzzled or plain overwhelmed – me, too! And it should come as no surprise that the bible is the one and only book that has the true guidance system inherently built in. Let’s have a look.
Dear son, I miss you so much! I’ve missed you every single day for the last ten years. Every. Single. Day. That makes 3, 654 days of missing you. As …
It is with a mix of anger, bewilderment and peace at the same time that I’m writing this text. I can only speak for what’s happening in Germany, to be …
Rewind my life a good year and you’ll see a woman that’s joyful to be 40 and excited to discover everything this new decade has in store for her. Look …
Weeks have passed and my “I need to work on this” list keeps getting longer. But due to government measures I have to perform as my daughter’s elementary school teacher …
Life of an introvert during a “pandemic”. I’m sitting in my “second living room”. It’s cold, I can see my breath. There’s snow to my left and my right. My …
This will be a really short “hello” and yes, I’m still alive! I know it’s been a while since I last uploaded a blog text here. Thanks for bearing with …
Snapshot (noun, masculine): a photograph, especially one taken quickly or in a moment of opportunity. Have you ever wondered how others seem to be on top of everything and you’re the only …
Today let’s talk about minimalism. I really like it when everything is clean and organized, whether on the inside of me or in our home. I tried to put my …
The song “no roots” by Alice Merton made me cry in the middle of a store. And that wasn’t too long ago. As we’re headed towards the fifth “anniversary” of …