There has never been a time in my life where I needed the guidance of God more than in these weird days. How about you? Have you been totally relaxed and completely chilled out in the last two years? Well – congrats! And please drop your recipe for that in the comments. For my other precious readers who at one day or the other have felt stressed out, puzzled or plain overwhelmed – me, too! And it should come as no surprise that the bible is the one and only book that has the true guidance system inherently built in. Let’s have a look.
Today let’s talk about minimalism. I really like it when everything is clean and organized, whether on the inside of me or in our home. I tried to put my own definition of this concept on paper numerous times but kept coming back to the awesome wording of two guys I really admire: The Minimalists. Here’s their take on it:
“Minimalism is a lifestyle that helps people question what things add value to their lives. By clearing the clutter from life’s path, we can all make room for the most important aspects of life: health, relationships, passion, growth, and contribution.”
Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus
I simply could not describe it any better. Thank, Joshua and Ryan. For me, minimalism is much more than “declutter” or “Marie Kondo”. That may be a part of it, but in my view it is not the basic idea.
That sounds a bit weird, doesn’t it? What does lemon ice cream have in common with a bubble bath? A lot, if you ask me.
Almost every day this week I tried to write the next blog post. But my text just wouldn’t sound right and I kept editing and editing. What a battle! Last night I decided to put the original topic on hold. Because a completely other theme was dancing around in my head. Something to do with happiness and ease. Let’s go.
About a month ago I sat down to take notes for my next blog text. Just thinking about this topic made me smile and made me happy. But twenty-four hours later I came down with a high fever and was bedridden for over a week. Thank you, influenza! Shortly after I got sick, both of my kids joined me. After more than two weeks the three of us were finally starting to recover.
One of my first thoughts when I was back on my feet was “My blog text!”. I was eager to start writing. But instead of having time to sit down and write, stuff kept happening. I would sigh at night, realising another day had passed and the page stayed empty.
What I only see now is this: Besides all the “stuff” happening, something else happened. Over the last two weeks, almost on a daily basis, I would run into a friend or be in a phone conversation with someone and every single time we would end up speaking about “it”!
I kid you not. So here it is:
On Sunday we discovered water in our basement. Plenty of water. The hot water boiler had given up. 53 gallons water slowly but steadily had leaked out of that old metal thing. So by Sunday night we had no more warm water. Funny enough, I was scheduled for an intercessory prayer time at our local prayer house that night. I stood in my kitchen and knew I had to make a decision. Two adults and two kids without warm water isn’t much fun. But it’s not the end of the world. It’s uncomfortable and inconvenient especially with winter temperatures outside. But I could still boil water in the kettle.
The moment we found out about the leakage I was praying for Josie, a little girl that is fighting for her life and needs a miracle. Honestly, that quickly put things in the right order on the inside of me. What’s a little “playing pioneer times” compared to so much suffering and tragedy? Nothing!