About a month ago I sat down to take notes for my next blog text. Just thinking about this topic made me smile and made me happy. But twenty-four hours later I came down with a high fever and was bedridden for over a week. Thank you, influenza! Shortly after I got sick, both of my kids joined me. After more than two weeks the three of us were finally starting to recover.
One of my first thoughts when I was back on my feet was “My blog text!”. I was eager to start writing. But instead of having time to sit down and write, stuff kept happening. I would sigh at night, realising another day had passed and the page stayed empty.
What I only see now is this: Besides all the “stuff” happening, something else happened. Over the last two weeks, almost on a daily basis, I would run into a friend or be in a phone conversation with someone and every single time we would end up speaking about “it”!
I kid you not. So here it is: